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Back in May the Club reported on the humanitarian mission that two OH's, Patrick Musters (St. 66-70) and Richard Anderson (M67-71), undertook to deliver essential and much needed supplies to a Romanian orphanage close to the border with war torn Ukraine.


Those OHs who attended the Drinks Party on Board HQS Wellington in May were able to hear first hand from Patrick the finer details of their trip.  Whilst the current political situation in the UK has somewhat overtaken the news headlines, the war in Ukraine nevertheless continues and the need for aid and support remains.


OHs gave very generously to help fund Patrick and Richard's mission and there still remains approximately £1,000.00 'in the pot' which is available to any other OH who may be considering carrying out a similar trip. Any OH who is considering doing so should contact either Patrick (phamusters@aol.com)  or Richard (richardanderson@alsgroup.co.uk) for advice and guidance.


The surplus funds cannot be held indefinitely and if they are not utilised in another trip by the the end of July then they will be distributed to a UK based Ukrainian organisation whose purpose is to help the settlement of Ukrainian refugees in the UK. 
