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Welcome To

The Old Honitonians Club

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Era Representatives


The following ‘Era Reps’ have generously taken on the task of networking among their OH contemporaries on behalf of the club.

The role of Era Reps is to encourage people to go to OH events.  They will welcome your support so feel free to identify the era rep closest to your era and get in touch with them.  Give them your contact details, and your ideas for OH gatherings.

Era rep                    Era         Location    Landline         Mobile                 Email


Martyn Langford     55-60      Hants   02392 550570  07702 084272 martyn@martynlangford.plus.com


Dudley Hopkins      59-64      Hants     01489 589980  07788 473444  dshopkins04@gmail.com


Richard Anderson   66-71      Berks     01189 425720          -            richardanderson@alsgroup.co.uk*


Shaun Conner        70-75      Devon           -                 07966151748  shaun.conner@sky.com


Lesley Watson

(née Britton)           77-79      Berks/Spain         -        07572 982166   lkbritton2003@yahoo.co.uk


Keith Hutton           76-81      Scotland              -        07786 541742  keith.hutton1@btinternet.com


Tim Jones                 84-89    Dorset/Qatar       -                 -              tim@trooperfarm.co.uk


Neil Moon                 89-94    Bristol                  -        07812 584782  neilmoon7@yahoo.co.uk


Jamie Jemmeson     94-98    London                -        07944 175055  jamiejemmeson@yahoo.co.uk


(* preferred method of communication)
