The Rules of the Club
The Committee
The affairs of the Club shall be in the hands of the Committee of the Club under the chairmanship of the President and shall consist of:
- The President
- The Vice President
- The Honorary Secretary
- The Honorary Treasurer
- The Immediate Past President
- The Sports Coordinators
- The Events Coordinator
- The Media Coordinator
- The London Organiser
- The West Country Organiser
- 2 Elected members
The Committee shall use its best endeavours to safeguard such items that may be associated with Allhallows and likely to be of interest to or connected with Old Honitonians.
In order to form a quorum at least 4 members of the Committee must be present at meetings.
In the event of a vote in the Committee being tied between those in favour and those against, the President or, in his/her absence, the person chairing the meeting, shall have the casting vote.
The immediate Past President will serve as an ex officio member for a period of three years after the term of office has expired.
The Committee, which may co-opt and may appoint sub-committees as necessary, shall meet at least twice a year.
Nominations for election as a member of the Committee, which must be at an Annual General Meeting, duly proposed and seconded by members of the Club, and the nominee having signified in writing his/her willingness to stand for election, shall reach the Hon. Secretary at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
For the purposes of the accounts of the Club the Club year shall end on 31st May.
Term of Office
On election members will serve a term of 3 years. The President and Vice President would not normally serve more than two terms i.e. 6 years. The Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer would serve an unspecified term but would be subject to re-election every 3 years. The Sports, Events and Media Coordinators would not normally serve more than a total of 6 years, subject to re-election after 3 years. However, if the person concerned is willing and if it is the wish of the Committee, a further term of 3 years may be served, making a total of 9 years. The 2 elected members will serve no more than 2 terms of 3 years, subject to re-election after the first term.
A member of the Committee having been elected at an Annual General Meeting shall hold office from the date of that Annual General Meeting to the date of the Annual General Meeting at the end of the elected term.
Life Vice Presidents
Except in exceptional circumstances, no candidate will be proposed for election as a Life Vice President. Those who are already Life Vice Presidents will not be ex officio members of the Committee. However, the President may request not more than 2 Life Vice Presidents to serve on the Committee for an agreed period not exceeding 3 years in order to take advantage of their particular knowledge or experience.
General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall be held as may be arranged by the Committee, at least three weeks notice having been given. An account of the Club's finances, having been examined by a suitably competent person, shall be presented at such meeting. Nominations for election to the Committee shall reach the Hon. Secretary at least two weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held for special business if called by the Committee or by request in writing to the Hon. Secretary by ten members. Members shall be given at least two weeks notice of the date of such meeting.
There will be no annual subscription but members are encouraged to make donations in order that the Club's finances remain healthy.
Withdrawal of Membership
The Committee may withdraw membership if, after due consideration, a member is adjudged by the Committee to be guilty of conduct injurious to the interests of the Club. Such person, on application, may be reinstated by the Committee at such time as it alone shall consider proper.
At such time as the Committee considers that the number of members has so reduced as to make the Club no longer viable, the funds and other assets of the Club shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Committee and notified to the members.
Alteration of the Rules
These rules may be altered at any General Meeting of the Club provided that notice of such alteration has been given in the Notice for such meeting and that the alteration is approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members voting at the Meeting.
These Rules were approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 14th May, 2016 and became effective from the date of the Annual General Meeting held on 24th November, 2016.