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The Old Honitonians Club

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Richard Bruce Montgomery (V 57-62)

The Club regrets to announce the death of Richard Bruce Montgomery on 9th November 2021.


Brother of Ian David Montgomery (V 56-59) who now lives in Canada,  Richard joined Venning in 1957 and became a House Prefect in 1962. He was a member of the XX Club, Sports Club, Tennis Club and Play Reading Society. He won his 2nd XV Colours in 1960-61 and was Captain of the 2nd XV in 1961.  He also won his Cross Country Colours i n 1961-62 but he achieved his greatest success in Shooting, winning his 1st VIII and Open Range Colours in 1960-61-62 and shot at Bisley for four consecutive years between 1959-1962.


The Club extends its condolences to Richard's wife and family.
