At the Club's AGM held at The Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth following the annual West Country Lunch, Seb Warner and David Woollatt were unanimously elected as the Club's new President and Hon. Secretary, taking the place of Peter Sloan and Tim Birmingham whose three-year term of office had come to an end.
Notwithstanding the very sad news of the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II only two days before, the Club had decided to go ahead with the lunch and AGM. During the lunch the assembled OHs and their guests stood for a short while in silent tribute to the memory of her late Majesty and this was followed by the loyal toast to the new King.
Opening the AGM Peter thanked David Richardson for all his hard work in organising the lunch as well as the staff of the Victoria Hotel who had provided such good service. Then in his capacity as Treasurer, David presented the Club Accounts for 2021/22, full details of which can be found on the About Us page under the heading Club Accounts.
Peter then gave a brief review of the Club's activities during the past year from the Ukranian Relief mission undertaken by Patrick Musters and Richard Anderson earlier in the year, to the activities of the OHGS and in particular to their recent Cornwall trip, to the London Drinks Party on Board HQS Wellington in May and the Allhallows Day Mememorial Service scheduled for 29th October.
The main business of the AGM then followed with the nomination of Seb Warner as the new President and David Woollatt as the new Hon. Secretary. Both nominations were unanimously agreed upon by a show of hands. Unfortunately, the new President was not able to be present at the lunch, but David read a short address from Seb in which he gave some background details of himself and his plans for the future.
In winding up the meeting Peter drew attention to the fact that present at the lunch was Ralph Harding who only the day before had celebrated his 96th birthday! To mark this occasion a presentation was made to Ralph in the form of a set of the Club's cufflinks and a copy of the School Register together with the nomenclature of 'Father of the Club'.
The lunch and the AGM were then rounded off by a stimulating and very amusing talk given by David Shaw in which he gave his memories and reflections of his time as a pupil at Allhallows.