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Historic Photographs of Rousdon Vicar and Family at the Dower House - 1900s

From our Honorary Secretary,  David Woollatt:


Life sometimes offers up amazing moments of serendipity and connection.


Whilst chatting with Mr Malcolm Barton, the former Headmaster of Sandle Manor Prep School (now Forres Sandle Manor in Fordingbridge), our Honorary Secretary discovered a fascinating link to Rousdon history. Mr Barton's grandfather, Theodore Wood, was the Peek's Vicar for the Rousdon Parish in the early 1900s before becoming the Bishop of Peterborough in 1916. He and his family lived at the Dower House.


Malcolm shared these fabulous family photographs. Here Theodore is pictured (third from right). We were also given this wonderful photograph of Malcolm's Great Uncle Bill behind the wheel of the Vicar's car—one of the few vehicles in the area at the time.

Thank you, Malcolm, for these wonderful insights into the Peek's Rousdon Estate.


We will be sharing more photographs in the 2024 OH Magazine.

Dower House Hotel
