Whilst it is clear that the COVID pandemic is not yet behind us and that we do all still need to be careful, some Government restrictions are now easing and with the vaccination programme well underway the Club can, with some confidence, look to announce some future events and activities.
First up, The Humble Pointers (Myf Adams, John Ball, John Campbell-Clause, Nigel Clist, and Peter Sloan) will be undertaking their 26 mile hike on Thursday 22nd July. Starting at the crack of dawn from Allhallows the team, with a combined age of 342 years, hope to reach their destination, Hardy’s Monument located on the ridge above Chesil Beach, by dusk (or at least before the pubs close!) and along the way to raise a bumper total for MacMillan Cancer Support. For more details and how to sponsor the team visit: and please sponsor as generously as you can. It would be magnificent if the Club team could raise a sum in the region of £5,000.00 which would certainly ease the pain of five pairs of blistered feet!
Next up, the OH Golf Society, is once again up and functioning under the guidance and enthusiasm of John Pagliero. Time finally to dust off those clubs, get your tees to the ready and venture once more onto the greens and fairways of our fair land. John has meetings and fixtures arranged for June and July and into the autumn so do please contact him at and get all the details. New members are very welcome.
Finally, but by no means least, put the date of Saturday, 11th September in your diary for the Club’s AGM and West Country Lunch to be held once again at The Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth. Last year’s AGM and West Country lunch could not go ahead due to COVID so why not make a special effort to join with your friends and contemporaries this year for what is always a very enjoyable occasion. Further details concerning the AGM will be posted in due course but in the meantime to book your place for the three course lunch (£26.00 per head) please send your cheque made payable to ‘Old Honitonians’ to David Richardson at 4 Bournewood Drive, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH4 9JP ( and reserve your place. We are expecting numbers to be high so do please book early with David to avoid disappointment.
Remember, the OH Club is nothing without the participation of its members. We have had eighteen months of virtual hibernation. Let us begin to enjoy one another’s company once again by supporting one or all of the above activities/events.