Old Honitonians AGM Minutes 16/11/23
Dear OHs, please find below the minutes of the AGM that was conducted on 16/11/23 at the RAC Club, London. There is also a link at the bottom to download the minutes and accounts as a PDF file.
Minutes of the Old Honitonians Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Date: 16th November 2023
Venue: RAC Club
Opening Remarks
The President, Seb Warner, opened the meeting at 6pm. He welcomed all attendees and expressed gratitude for their presence. The AGM reflected for a moment on all the OHs we had sadly lost in the last 12 months.
New Member of the OH Committee
Victoria Berry was introduced as the as the newest member of the OH Committee.
West Country Lunch
It was announced that the West Country Lunch will be moved to a May date. Victoria has generously agreed to lead the organisation of the event. The Secretary will contact David Richardson to confirm the details for the transfer.
Opt-In Policy for Old Honitonians Magazine
A proposal for an opt-in policy for the Old Honitonians magazine was discussed. Members will be able to opt-in to receive a hard copy of the magazine. Digital copies will be emailed to all members on the database and made available on the Old Honitonians website.
Old Honitonians (Unofficial) Facebook Page
The members expressed the desire for closer control over the unofficial Old Honitonians Facebook Page. President Seb Warner spoke with Toby Davis, an OH and Admin of the page, who confirmed that Dave Woollatt will be made an Admin. Dave Woollatt was requested to inform the club when this has been completed.
Ladies' Broach/Pin/Scarf
The possibility of producing a Ladies' broach, pin, or scarf was discussed. Members are invited to share ideas and preferences on this matter.
Instagram Account
The suggestion of creating an Instagram account for the Old Honitonians was discussed. Dave Woollatt was approached to initiate this, and further details will be communicated to the members.
Condolences for Richard Hurlock
Jeremy Harding informed the attendees about the passing of Richard Hurlock.
School Register for Ahmed Ghazzal
The club was requested to send the school register to Ahmed Ghazzal. The Secretary will oversee this task.
Magazines on the Website
The need to upload the more recent magazines (last 20 years) onto the Old Honitonians website was discussed. Efforts will be made to obtain copies from Mr Blooman/Alec Crawford for this purpose.
Bigger Summer Event at Rousdon
The consideration of organising a larger summer event at Rousdon via Martin Boulden (July) was discussed. Members are encouraged to provide input and suggestions for the event.
London Event in November
Feedback suggested keeping the London event in November for the AGM and party. The RAC Club was proposed as the venue, pending any alternative suggestions. The President will liaise with JET Clark for further coordination.
OH Video
David Woollatt introduced a video compilation of OH interviews from the last year. The aim going forward is to gather more and produce a library as an aural history project of Allhallows.
AGM Accounts
Please see below for a copy of the full OH Accounts that were presented at the AGM
Closing Remarks
The President thanked everyone for their active participation and contributions to the AGM. The meeting was adjourned at 6.30pm.
To download the minutes and OH accounts, please click here.