Whilst it is not possible in the current circumstances for the Club to hold its AGM with members in actual attendance, the Club's Committee will nevertheless be holding a 'virtual' meeting via ZOOM at 10.30am on 31st October.
At 11.30am OHs will be able to join the Committee, via Zoom, in order convene a 'virtual' AGM which will allow OHs the opportunity to raise any issues of concern or questions for the Committee.
In particular, the Committee would like to hear from OHs on the following points:
- Approval of the Club’s Accounts for 2019/20 (See the Club's Accounts on the 'About Us' page)
- Approval that the current Committee members serve another 12 month term
- Approval that Sue Strickland be appointed to the Club Committee
- Approval of Emily Banting as Editor of the Club Magazine and as such a co-opted member of the Club Committee
- Approve a donation to the Honiton museum (The museum is currently in need of purchasing equipment to assist in its archiving role. It holds a large metal cabinet purchased by the Club and any number of selves with boxes filled with school material. The Club is very lucky to have the museum act as custodian of this material and I would like ask members if they would agree to the Club making a donation to the museum in recognition of this which would help them in their archiving project.)
Any OH who would like to join the 'virtual' AGM should email the President through the website to request details of the required link to allow them to join the meeting.
Alternatively, OHs who are unable to attend via Zoom but have a question for the Committee should submit their question by email via the website.
If you are either wanting to join the virtual AGM or just wish to submit a question please do so by no later than 25th October.
Replies to any Questions that are submitted by OHs through the web page will be published on the website in November.