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Welcome To

The Old Honitonians Club

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After many years of service to the Club, Honorary Life Vice President Giles Blomfield (C.53-57) former President of the Club (77-79), and previous Editor of the OH Magazine, recently made the decision that it was time for him to stand down as one of the longest serving members on the Club's Committee.


Giles, loyally supported by his wife Gru, has been a valued member of the Club in many roles and has done much to ensure that the Club remains vibrant and active particularly in the years since the closure of the school.


As a small token of thanks and appreciation Committee member, Myf Adams, on behalf of the Club, called on them recently (observing, of course, social distancing rules!)  and presented them with a bouquet of flowers and fine bottle of red wine.


Both Giles and Gru have promised to try and continue to attend as many future OH events as they can and we shall certainly be very pleased to welcome them.
