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Old Honitonians Film starts Taking Shape

It was a very busy weekend (25th/26th February), starting the process of filming OHs for the 25th anniversary of the school closing film.


A huge thank you to Martin Boulden and all those so far who have been involved.


It is a real honour to be producing the Old Honitonians film to commemorate the 25th anniversary of our school closing.


I'm particularly excited about the opportunity to interview more OHs with fantastic stories for the film.


Here is David Woollatt in Axemouth talking about his Allhallows experience and the film; thanks for sorting the location Martin!


Stay tuned for more updates on the Old Honitonians film, and please feel free to share your own memories and stories by getting in touch. Let's make this a tribute to remember!


See the full video clip here.

