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The Old Honitonians Club

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OH Memorial Service 2023

We were absolutely delighted by the strong turnout of OHs at our annual Memorial Service, which took place at St. Paul's Church in Honiton on October 28, 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Cannon Chris Vallins for his exceptional leadership during the service, as well as his wife Beth, whose organ performance was superb. Patrick McCaig's bugle playing added a poignant touch, and Brigadier David Shaw's reading of the second lesson was deeply moving. Special thanks must also go to Tim Huxtable, who not only captured the day through his photography but efficiently managed the collection.


We want to express our sincere appreciation to all who attended, even in the face of relentless downpours. Your presence was greatly appreciated.


It was also, as always, fabulous to visit the Allhallows Museum in Honiton, a truly wonderful collection which will fascinate OHs and is well worth a visit.


With gratitude, Seb Warner OH President
